Friday, July 24, 2009


I know I havent written in a while, but here are some updates:

1. I am a tissue match for my moms kidney transplant.
2. Here come more tests...
3. I was suppose to go to Tennessee on Friday the 30th but am unsure if I should go.

Okay, ttyl...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grrrr....when does it end?

Well, mom is back in the hospital again. She went in on Friday because she had a temperature of 104 degrees. Apparently she has an infection in the area where they put th etubes in for her dialysis. The tubes are in her chest. It seems like every time she gets good news about the transplant she gets sicker and sicker. She already has no short term memory. She doesnt really remember much and is almost like a little kid. She kind of reminds me of when my dad was really sick. Its kind of weird actually. It wasnt about 5 years ago at this very same time, an din the very same hospital I was doing the same thing....except for my dad. I wonder what will happen, and when will she begin to get better. I think stuff like this just shows how important it is to keep yourself healthy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things I want to buy....

~I need a vacation~

Okay, I need a serious vacation. Im having a really bad case of island fever. You know its bad when you google vacations then go to Priceline and price the trip crazy!

I really want to go to another country, but that doesnt look like it will happen soon. So, I thought what about going to Vegas for a few days, then to Orlando to go to Disney Worls, then to Tennessee to visit Shawn's fun would that be......Well, we shall see when this will happen.

A few dresses I bought today.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

Things I bought Today......

Not sure if anyone knows, but i love buying handmade jewelry...the girly types...hehehe.

Here is what I added to my collection today from

Look what I got today........

Needless to say, I was very excited when the deputy comptroller gave me this plant.... It was the favors for his daughters high school graduation party! I absolutely love it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday May 5, 2009

...It started off as an ordinary day...and turned out to be a really LONG day. Like usual, I woke up around 0430 to get ready for work and make it on time at 0600. Got ready, kissed Kiana and Shawn goodbye and went on my merry day. I left work around 1 pm to meet my mom and aunt at the doctors for none other than a psychological evaluation for my mom's kidney transplant. From what we all could tell and what the psychologist told us, she is going to push it forward as a go. I guess I am sane...I passed the test...well maybe just sane enough to give up a kidney to a mother I despised most of my adult life. Why? For many reasons that still upset me, but little by little Im trying to get over it. I used to tell my friend Mikki that between my childhood and adulthood with my mother and my ex-boyfriend who was extremely abusive, i would need counseling for a very long time.....hahahaha.
The meeting with the doctor lasted a little over 2 hours. We were bombarded with tons of questions dealing with income, family, and the consequences of donating a kidney. I personally have no problems with it. I only need one to live, so...... why not? She needs it more than I do!
After the meeting, I called Shawn on my way home and for some reason I didn't like and answer he gave me to a question I asked so I hung up on him, I told him "goodbye" and hung up. Mind you, he also left last night for a week long trip to Montana so if anytime there was to pick a fight with him, yesterday wasn't it since he was leaving. Im not sure what it is that makes me so ticked off with him....sometimes he could have done absolutely nothing and Ill find some reason to be mad at him. Why? Im wondering if it is some sort of inner resentment to something that happened in the past and im not letting go of it. I haven't really figured it out yet, but I would sure like to know.
Well, when i got home, Shawn showed up shortly after, we argued for a little and then I had to leave for a dinner. My aunt flew into town and wanted to take us to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. I didn't want to leave being mad at him so I went into the bathroom while he was taking a shower and told him goodbye and for him to call me when he has time.
Side Bar: I sometimes feel like him not being happy with his situation and not being where he wants to be in life and with his business is really dragging our relationship down. He is always depressed or upset. I know he tried not to show it too much while I am around but I can see right through he facade he puts up. It brings me down to see him like that and when I want to go out or do something, I feel bad. Am I a bad person for feeling this way? All I know is that I wish things were different.....oh well, such is life and I am dealing with it....FOR NOW~!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hello Kitty Mouse!

Okay, so most people who really know me, know I am absolutely obsessed with Hello Kitty. My friend in Japan sent this cute mouse to me and I had to set it up an duse it at work. It lights up and all! Talk about being a happy camper!!!! BTW, Nellie, dont be jealous! hahaha

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stuart Woods

Okay, so Im super absolutely FAVORITE author came out with a new book of all it is a new book from his Stone Barrington series. I am an absolute lover of his books and make sure I get every new book on the day they come out. I know, I m a little of a fanatic, I must say. I have also been accused of leaving parties to read some of his books. I cant wait to pick this one up on the way home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its been a while!

Wow, its been a while since Ive been on here, and thanks to Nellie's persistance, I decided to write something. Nothing much going on in Liane's world as of right now. Im pretty much just bored! I need to find some fun (I stress FUN) friends to hang out with. Any takers???? hahaha

What did I do today besides work? I ordered some clothes from Forever 21, and Express is having their "BOX" sale....check it out.

I bought work clothes from express and of course play clothes from Forever 21. :)

Not much else going on besides LIFE!!!! Will write again later~~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, its been a busy, busy week! I stayed up late last night to make rice krispie treats for Kiana's class and work. let me say what a pain in the ass this was. Making green shamrock shaped treats are not fun! It took forever and my finger tips are all JACKED up!!! Here is a picture of the finished products in a bag. (yes I know it looks like an illegal substance you can buy on a street corner, but it is NOT).

Our MWR Committee is also doing a Corned Beef and Cabbage fund raiser....we started at 6 am this morning chopping everything. Someone in our office cooked 18 briskets for today on Saturday (thanks LA!!)

First the cabbage, then potatoes...forgot to grab a picture of the potatoes.

All of it was then put into these slow cookers...first potates, then cabbage!

Oops, gotta go check on the right back!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey, Hey, Hey!!!!!

Okay, Im back at you! Ive been busy with class and personal life. Im back at work today and better than ever! I had a lot of things to catch up on, but Im glad to be back at my desk. I can turn on my heater (instead of freezing my ass off in the classroom) and i have my radio! WOW, the things that make someone happy at work, its amazing.

So, what has been going on? My hand has been healing but it is seriously itch! Shawn bought me some tennis gear and he is teaching me how to play....On Monday I went to an AA meeting and it was pure comedy! it is exactly like what you see on TV. I wanted to laugh, but I knew people were there because they were serious about it....I on the other hand needed to fulfill a requirement, and nothing more. I do have to say all of the people I met are seriously nice people! I think Im going to bring cookies to the next class....Hey maybe Ill make more friends then huh?

Im glad today is Thursday...just one more day until the weekend! Tomorrow Shawn has an important meeting with Hickam to go over prices and what not again! I hope he gets this contract...for his sake....and my sanity! hahaha He seems to be miserable right now stressed out about it, so Im hoping it all works out in his favor. When he is stressed out, it also affects me...hell I live with the guy! hahaha

Well, until next time......


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy, busy, busy.....

It has been a hectic and busy week...Ive been in a class all week, and dealing with family issues at night. I swear I am so exhauseted by the time I get home I end up going to be around 8pm. No, Im not 80 years old as Eric seems to think, just mentally tired. I feel so bad that I havent been able to work out like I want to either...Ever since I hurt my hand a week ago I havent done much in the way of working out....needless to say I feel like crap.

OH, BTW, I found out i have the same blood type as my mom so I passed the first hurdle to becoming her kidney donor. Next week we go to see the transplant coordinator and we are also waiting for the approval from her insurance company for her to go through with the surgery. We shall see....hopefully I pass the battery of tests which are ahead of me.

On another note, Chris is out. Shawn bailed him out and had a few choice words for him as well. I am seriously praying he has learned from all of this.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Afternoon.

Okay so here I sit on a Sunday afernoon. So much has gone on in the last 2 days. I didnt end up doing anything Friday night...and boy did it feel good. Yesteday I laid around the house and cleaned. Shawn and I got invited to dinner with some friends to Maili's Thai Food in Hawaii Kai....we were on my way when I recieved a phone call from my mom. She said, "come now I just called the cops on Chris." Needless to say Shawn and I turned around and made a b-line for her house which was about 5 minutes away.

By the time we got there, the police were already there and half the neighborhood was standing outside as well. To make a long story short, they took Chris and they told my mom he wouldnt get out until Monday at 4:30. Through all the drama he causes even during my mothers fragile state, I felt really sorry for him. Did he have to let himself fall that far to get arrested? When was he going to learn that my mother is literally his life line and no one else would help him???Like I was taught at a young age, you NEVER bite the hand that feeds this case he was doing it for way too long.

Im kind of sad about the whole situation...he has no where to go and needs to shape up rather quickly, but Im not sure he can man up to the challenge.

Today I had an appointment at the blood bank to donate blood...but I was rejected because of the nasty open wound i have on my hand from eating it while running down a gravel trail! Oh well, maybe next time.

Sunday Afternoon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The upcoming weekend.....

I have a 3 day weekend and do not know what I am going to do. One t hing I do know though is that I will be hiking up the Makapu Light House when I get off of work. I need the exercise and who cares if I just lost the skin off of my left palm and skinned my knees on that very trail on Tuesday afternoon. Oh well, I just won't run down the hill this time....Ill walk it. I also have to go to my moms house to give her her weekly shot in her arm. After that, I am free game.

Shawn ever so sneakily asks me what my plans are tonite and when I ask him "why" he says he might go out....I think okay, great! Its a perfect opportunity for me to hang out with my friends as well....then I get the"well, Im not sure what I want to do" statement. I am completely irritated by then and encourage him to go out so I can ditch him too.....hahahaha. So, here are my options for tonight...hang out with a girl I know named Venus (and possibly get raped by her in the process) j/k, meet up with Jermaine (I have to do that anyway, I need to pick up his info to do his taxes for him), or call one of my friends that just moved back to Hawaii...Michelle. Not sure what I want to do yet. What I do know is that I need a DRINK...wait, maybe a few!!!

Saturday is the Pepper concert which I really want to go to but unfortunately it is 18 and over....not so bad if I was inmy 20's, but again, I am in my 30's. I still may go...with Shawn or maybe other friends depending on how he acts! Im not sure I really want to go with him...he is not really a partier and already proclaimed I am not drinking if we i figure I can fix that....ill just go without him....hahahaha

Some of the people who keep me SANE!!!

These are some of the people in my life that keep my sanity level at NORMAL!

Picture 1:
Vanessa~ One cool ass chick! I dont know what else to say. I met her in my Freshman year at the University of San Francisco. She lived down the hall in the Hayes-Healy dorms with me. Ever since we met, we have been great friends. She lives in LA, but i try to visit when i can, and she comes to visit me in Hawaii as well. She is also one of the girls I would have in my wedding IF I EVER did get married.

Picture 2:

My cousin Malia~ I dont talk to her very often or even see her that much but she always puts things into perspective for me when it comes to family matters. Also, yes, we are first cousins! Why doesnt anyone believe us?????

Picture 3:

My BFF Jermaine. Ive known him for about 10 years now. I met him while in college and we have been friends ever since. I love him because he never judges me and is always there for me. I may not talk to him for 6 months but when I do, its like we never skipped a beat. I know he is one person I can always call for anything! BTW, he too is in his 30's and not married....hahaha

Pictire 4:

My BFF Nellie. I met her about 2 years ago while working in Washington D.C. We have been friends ever since. She is just one of those girls i "clicked" with (even when she thought I was a bitch when she first met me....dont worry Nellie, I forgive you). Those are extremely hard to come by!!! I still talk to her all the time and if I was to EVER get married, she would be in my wedding.

Random background info......

I’m not sure if I really ever saw myself as they "type" of person who would want to get married but I sort of admire the idea. I know I have had my fair share of ups and downs with the subject. There were a few times in my life where I thought I had found someone I could seriously marry. Now in hindsight, I praise the gods that it never happened. I was either too young, too naive, or just not in the "right" place with myself. Hell, it was probably a combination of all three and then some.

A reality check really came in the form of all things, FACEBOOK! I began receiving friend requests from people I went to high school with and there was one prominent theme~ Everyone seemed to be married and most had a family too! WOW, did I miss the boat on this or something???? Was I so bad at relationships that I wasn’t married, or even close to married, and in my 30's? I know I’m not some kind of outer world mutant who is absolutely disgusting, so what is my problem? I am educated, have a career, and fun to be with (hahaha, so Ive been told). I don’t think im the prettiest girl out there, but I know I am not the ugliest either..... Someone please send me some insight..... I am beginning to think it is the type of guys that I am choosing to be with.

Well, I need to get back to what pays the bills so I will update this blog a little later... Aloha~